Serving Bowls
We offer a large array of beautifully designed serving bowls made from sterling silver or crystal which make wonderful wedding gifts or anniversary presents or any kind of unique gift.
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Richard Ginori Shaker in Rapallo Pattern Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Nambe Blue Heart Shaped Baby Bowl Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Set of Six Sterling Silver Nut Bowls by Watson & Newell Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Old English Silver Plated Footed Nut Bowl # 5005 by Poole Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Handsome FRANCIS I Sterling Silver Nut Dish by Reed & Barton c.1947 Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Bowl and Cup for Child by Adie Brothers Birmingham Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Rare Nambe "Earth Cornsilk" Butterfly Nut/Fruit Bowl Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Antique Sterling Silver Small Trinket Tray by J.E. Calwell $219.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Nut/Bon Bon Dish by Wallace Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Bon Bon Dish with Cut Out Design $129.00
Salt River Collectibles Antique Whiting Mfg Co Sterling Silver Nut/Candy Dish #6202 $269.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Reed & Barton Sterling Silver Burgundy Serving Dish X499 $219.00
Salt River Collectibles Lalique Frosted Crystal St. Nicholas Trinket Dish/Ashtray $129.00
Salt River Collectibles Amazing Silver Plate Acorn Fruit Bowl by Godinger Silver $69.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Reed & Barton Silverplate Gravy Boat $59.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Footed Open Salt Cellar by Gorham $59.00
Salt River Collectibles Wedgwood Green Jasperware Bowl with Cherub Bacchus $59.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Bristol Silver Serving Bowl/Trophy by Governor J. Millard Tawes $149.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage International Sterling Silver Lord Saybrook Porringer Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Tiffany & Co. Crystal Bowl with Dolphins Around Rim $89.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Open Salt with Cobalt Blue Glass Insert by Dunkirk Silver $89.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Israel Freeman & Sons Ltd Silver Plated Sugar Shaker $89.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Toothpick Holder by Dunkirk Silversmiths Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Silver Plated Fruit Basket by Wilcox Silver Plate Co. $159.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Nut Bowl by Wallace Out of stock
Salt River Collectibles Sterling Silver Condiment Bowl by C.T. Burrows & Sons $119.00
Salt River Collectibles Unique Harold Littlebird Stoneware Bowl $259.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage English Sterling Silver Christening Set Egg Cup and Spoon by CB&S $169.00
Salt River Collectibles Rare William Kerr Child's Sterling Silver Porridge Bowl $320.00
Salt River Collectibles Vintage Sterling Silver Porridge Bowl with Nursery Rhymes $399.00